Sunday, October 11, 2020

what's my biggest insecurity?

Warrior Mom Shirts!!!

It has been 7 years since my last dental visit! The last time I went I got my 2 front teeth pulled. Here's the story I like to call....


It all started in 3rd grade. I was in P.E. and we were playing a game. It was my turn to run to the other side of the gym before I could get tagged. Well someobe was crawling on the floor. I was going full speed and tripped right over them while smiling because we'll I was having fun. I didn't catch myself... I felt the impact of the linoleum to my mouth and face. I got up and saw blood! I ran to the bathroom. My 2 front teeth were gone! I started crying. Not from the pain but from the fact I had a price if my tooth in my hand, my face was bloody and I was in shock! I went to the nurse office. She was already gone! 
The school secratery comes in. She sees the blood I show her my tooth. She calls my mom.  She tried saying I could go home on the bus as usual. Luckily my mom said no that she'd be there asap. 
Once she got there we rushed to my dentist. He stayed late to help me out. I got the remainder of my teeth covered and was told to come back to get them fixed. My teeth had broken in half and got pushed back up into my gums. 
After some time healing he created caps to cover the remainder of my 2 teeth and keep them alive for future reconstruction.
We had just moved to Venus tx so I told my mom " I don't want to stay in this school anymore I want to start over in Venus instead of waiting till next year" so that's what we did.
Fir the next 5 years occasionally I'd need to get the caps redone because they'd fall off. Finally in 8th grade a dentist decided to do a root canal and give me a more permanent smile.
I was over joyed. Though that didn't last long you see that very summer I had my accident and got burned. 
All the medication dried my mouth out plus the burns caused my mouth to stay open. I ended up getting abscess after abscess in my teeth. So my senior year of high school I had them pulled. I was supposed to receive a partial though insurance fell through. I'm now 25 almost 26. 
I still don't have my front teeth. 
From the anxiety the stress all the medications I've taken over the years plus the fact my genes are not he greatest when it comes to teeth. Oh and I forgot to mention the 5th wisdom tooth on my top left. My teeth health over all has declined. I've got 2 broken molars and a few cavities because it's hard to brush and floss properly with my hands. 
I have always loved going to the dentist. Sadly when you get medicare you don't always get dental insurance. Then having a baby absorbs nutrition and can intensify any tooth damage or decay. 
Finally after 7 years I got myself to the dentist. I was a little shocked at the expense. I needed a deep cleaning and started a payment plan so I could receive it. Boy did my mouth feel better already. Sadly I've got to do all my work in portions since I can't afford to do it all. (Total if $6,121) so I'm paying off the $500 for the deep cleaning. Then once that's paid I'll need to do the pulling if my 2 bad teeth and the fillings and crown needed on a couple others. I doubt I'll get my wisdom teeth pulled right away as it costs per tooth and luckily they don't bother me much. 

Lift me up as I start the process and oray I can get it don'e in a timely manner so I can have my self esteem boosted. I love to smile and laugh and it's time I do so freely without the fear of judgement

Sadly I can not change my PayPal name as I created years ago while still super insecure. Luckily I could change my cashapp name. 
I am not asking for donations or assistance though if your heart moves you to do so it will be appreciate and I will do a big Appreciation post.

***Edit to add I submitted a request to edit my cashapp name it is awaiting approval as I've changed it many times. Fingers crossed it get approved as I'm no longer a victim I AM A SURVIVOR I AM A WARRIOR!!***

Join Chime with my link and we both can get $50 once you set up direct deposit!

Want a Warrior Mom Shirt??  
It's simple unique and ready for order!

Monday, September 21, 2020

My Life Story (My Traumas)

 My Life Story



I began writing this after I began aa mini web series with ANGEL FACES INC. WE began talking about resiliance. My therapist and councilor both suggested writing out my life story to high light majors parts of my life that have affected me to this day and allow me to proess them. As I continue writing and revising I will continue to update here as well to allow others to hear aabout my life.



During the Zoom session on August 17th I was asked “How are you resilient?” then was asked “Before yore accident (my burns) can you think of a time you had to be resilient?” at the time I could not though after much thinking I realized there have been many times in my life I have had to be resilient (before and after my injury).

Recently in therapy I wrote out ALL my life traumas. My first at TWO YEARS OLD!! For many memories don’t begin to really form until about age 3 or 4 though o clearly remember my Nono (grandma) getting diagnosed with breast cancer  I remember helping pull her hair out before my Ahdah(grandpa) shaved the rest. I believe that was my fist trauma. I had to be resilient then.

Jump ahead to 5/6 I as well as my younger sister witnessed our Nono having a grandma seizure. I again had to be strong and resilient. Visiting our Nono in the hospital after having a brain tumor removed seeing the scar and learning not only had the cancer returned it had metastasized. I remember helping her clean her port that was for her chemo treatments. Contnuing to go to school as if things were fine at home as we were all living together so my parents could help with bills and assure she got he treatment she needed.

I then am forced to remember going to school in fort worth. I whole heartedly support the BLM here is why…

While going to shoo in fort worth I was 1 of only a handful of “white” students. Prior to this I identified as a mixed Hispanic as my fathers side was majority Hispanic. Going to school and being labeled white was interesting. I grew accustomed to “we don’t touch each others hair” “we don’t get our hair wet at the pool” I had great friends despite our difference in skin color.

By 3rd grade my Nonos health had greatly improved so my family (mom dad sister and I) moved to a little town in Johnson county. I was then amerced into a primarily white school. I was not used to this I ended up gravitating to the only POC in the school  they were my first friends in this area. I was shocked by e fact the girls in this area played with each others hair! Lice Checks happened once a six weeks which hadn’t happened in my previous school. I ended up adjusting pretty well. My life seemed to normalize as we were not as worried about my Nonos health. I got into student council I was in gifted and talented even began having sleep overs and joined a dance team.

My 7th and 8th grade year came around and I noticed a change in my parents. Unknown to me my father was struggling with drug addiction. I began to act out. Sneaking boys in sneaking out sending provocative photos to boys much too old for my young age. Me being so young of course my actions eventually came to light. Needless to say my parents were disappointed  I remember after my photo had been leaked around the school the news got to my mom. I remember telling her I would give her my camera phone but would like a basic phone and that I wanted to tell my dad myself. Almost a ,onth went by we were at a family friends house when my dad started asking questions  I ended up talking to kilns husband about it and he said he’d be with me to tell my dad and would go on a drive with him after to help him process it, Heinz sight 20/20 they were doing drugs together and he knew getting my dad high after I told him would help. I had to be resilient then to tell my dad and own up to my mistakes.

To this day I can still imagine him crying on that front porch.

Fast forward to beginning of 8th grade my dad had already had 2 knee surgeries was seeing pain management for his back and suddenly was having heart problems and couldn’t keep a job he was getting “laid off” things got really tough. My mom was ready for a divorce. My dad would regularly come to me and apologize for things unsaid by him I didn’t understand the apologizes until one day my mom was on her way to give him divorce papers and prayed “ lord if it’s not meant to be give me a sign” she got a call from my dad at jps he had heart issues and meth was found on him he was told to have her come dispose of them and voluntarily check into rehab or hed go to jail. That evening my mom came home ad told me about it . he spent 24 hrs. in jps psych before he was released he told us he was gonna live with his aunt in fort worth. I knew his dads side of the family were drug addicts I remembered when we started going around them again I began seeing a change in my dad. I begged him to go home and get help. He decided to check into huguley he was there in their psych unit I want to say 3 weeks. Got out and did outpatient couples counseling. I remember the Christmas of 2008 was probably the first Christmas in years my dad actually bought gifts himself he got me Bella y Chihuahua a bit before he went to rehab. Things were just all around getting better. He even started going to church with us again and got saved. The end of that year I tried out for the dance team for or high school. I made it  I called my dad first “ hell yeah!!!!” he had said to me he was sooo proud. That summer was great lots of family time. We even went on a church camping trip middle of august. On august 16th 2009 a Sunday at church a lady stopped our pastor and told him there’s going to be an explosion in Venus that’s going to bring us together. That next day I had “fish camp” or freshman orientation the dance team I was on would be preforming I was excited I was ready. I remember we had lots of trash from a family friend who was a hoarder my mom was helping her clean her house as well as our trash as there was a burn ban in the county. We also had mini Coleman lantern propane tanks. We were driving to the high school when he flicked a cigarette out the window soon I saw flames I said dad the truck is on fire. We pulled over. I don’t remember our conversation though we were not far from home so we got back in to go home and handle the situation  my dad was driving very quickly. I texted my bf at the tie the truck is on fire he said get out I said I will I remember telling my dad I couldn’t breathe he handed me a towel from behind the seat. I then remember throwing my phone out the window and telling my dad I would jump out as I saw the window tint cracking  I knew the glass was going to bust. When I looked out the door the ground was moving soo fast I couldn’t do it then it happened the first explosion screamed “oh my god” they say that’s what saved my throat and lungs I remember seeing bkack and then I was on the hard dry didn’t hurt it flt as though when you get bath water so hot its cold and a bucket of that was just tossed on me. My dad had slowed down afer that explosion went through a mail box a barbed wired fence and then came to a gentle stop at a tree in a field 3 doors down from or home. I got up off the ground everything was blurry I look back and see flaes and the water metr guy running to us. I hear our neighbors I tell them I cat see they guide me with their voucea through the hole in the fence as im crossing the road and my vision has some what cleared I see my clothes r burnt my bra is falling off I shake it off my arms my dance shorts and tights are melted I can see my underwea one jazz sneaker I kick off since its barely holding on I go into fays house 3 doors down and across the street from my hose she has me sit in a chai in her kitchen I ask if im naked she says yes so I ask for a blanket I ask if chris is home and if so for him not to come in. her dogs r sniffing me I tell her to pease take them away. I then aask her to call 911 helps alreay on the way I ask her to call my mom but my memory is fuzzy her and my dad switched numbers I couldn’t remember whos was whos so I ask her to pray for me. Then our next door neighbor comes in staza staza wheres ur mom wheres ur sister I tell her she goes to tell her daughter and comes back I ask about my dad she says hes alive I ask if its bad she says yes I ask if hes hurting she says yes hes asking people to pray with him. I ask do I have hair she yea its there. We hear sirens she goes to check its for my dada as his injuries seem worse. Finalky the on for me is there I stand up drop the blanket I want to say it was green fleece and get upagaist the stretcher the emt explains hes going to put a burn blanket on me then strap me down and put a c ollar on me then im lifted up ot the house and into an ambulanc I remember them looking for vien accsess and telling them my feet my feet they rnt burned then I went into cardiac arres and remember nothing till iwas in and out of consciousness in icu.

In ICU I remember oneevening I was awake andi told my mom I was going t sit up and I did my momgot the nurses to assist me but I did it! Sadly since my burns were sever and I hade a trach I got weaker and eventually coudnt move much unassisted my bf at the time travis visited regularly on occasion friends would visit me. Eventually I got to where I walked with assistance to the hall window and dr purdue said its time to go to ACU. I was excited  I hadn’t seen myself at all so I often asked people how I looked they always said you look like staza. My child life specialist took photos of me from far and near to show me so id be prepared since acu had mirrors. That was the first time I cried not whe I asked about my fdad ad fund out he had passed not when the accident happened not even during wound care and after surgeries. But seeing my face the scabs the lack of hair the way that too me I looked like a stranger it broke me I cried for at least an hour. I was heart broken. It wasn’t even just about how I looked I felt like my entire family my bf at the time everyone had been lying to me. I didn’t look like staza. I looked terrible. 26 surgeries all that pain and this is all they had done for me.

Shortly after I went to the acute unit then the rehab unit 3 days before my 15 birthday I got to go home. My moms sister moved in wth us temporarily to help care for me. Finally after 5 months I was allowed Gatorade and water. I got to see my dog Bella got to sleep in my bedroom wear some of what I wanted. It was rough  constantl waking up at night with pain itching relux or just wanting to switch positions. Needing family to help me use the restroom bathe dress even eat. I hated losing my independence I felt like my family began to resent me and I them. I had already missed most of my freshman year soon after going home inlost my long term bf. And just started to grieve the loss of my dad as I was focused on healing in the hospital I didn’t begin grieving ill I got home.

 By February my mom had connected to her and my dads middle school friend sean who had 5 of his own kids they lived in tennesse. My mom took a trip to visit so my sister and I stayed at home with my aunt. I suspected they were more than friends since when id wake up multiple times a night she no longer seemd upset about it as she was usually on the phone with him.. soring break came around I coud do more on my own still needed a lot of help I couk shor distances alone though still needed help with restroom bathing and getting up fron sitting. We spent spring break visiting them. I remember one night I needed my mom so my sister went to get her her and sean were sharing a bed which upset us. His kids seemed nice though.  On or drive home my mom started talking to us abot them moving down to help us. My sister and I were very against it. I remember telling her I wasn’t reay I hadn’t grieved my dad yet she said that she had. Back home I started “school” I was basicly isolated in content mSTERY to “test out: of classes. By june 2010 she moved him and his 5 kids in. they stayed in the living room as their room they really just came down with clothes till they could sort out everything else.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Day of my Burns


August 17th 2009
Approximately 3:45pm

Setting the scene
The weekend before my family and I went camping with our church. So we had mini propane tanks and trash in the bed of the truck.
My dad and I got in the truck to head to my high school. (We had fish camp or in other words freshman orientation since it was a week before the start of school) I was on the dance team and had to preform later that afternoon at the pep rally. It would have been my freshman year. Keep in mind we live in a tiny town. The area our house is, is more country that town. Groups of homes with 2+ acres each some house half a mile or more from each other. Its the middle of summer in Texas meaning 100+ weather. Add in a burn ban which means very dry very hot conditions. Being in a rural area where trash companies do not serve means burning of trash is the main way to get rid of trash that households accumulate.

A mile or so down the road (from our house remember we are on the wy to my High School) my dad flicked his cigarette out the window. I noticed smoke coming from the bed of the truck. We pull over and asses. We decided to get back in the truck and go home to put the fire out. Unfortunately three doors down from our house the first of a few explosions happened. Causing us to veer off the road hit a mail box go through some barbed wire fencing and came to a gentle stop at a small tree. I came back to consciousness on the ground by the truck. I got up and led by our neighbors voices crossed the street and entered the house diagonally from ours. I sat in their kitchen as we waited for care flight. I noticed I was naked. I asked to be covered up. I then ask for prayer.. our next door neighbor came to me asked where my mom and sister were and I told her. Then my questions began.
Am I naked? Yes
Do I have hair? It's there..
Is it bad? Yes
Is my dad hurting? Yes
Where are the ambulances? On their way one is working on your dad because he seems worse.
Finally my ambulance came.
I stood up against the stretcher they wrapped a burn blanket around me strapped me then carried me to the ambulance.
They began looking for a vein I tell them... My feet aren’t burned then it's black...

I went into cardiac arrest.

I suffered burns to 78% of my body.
After my dad passed away at 11pm almost midnight they told my mom don't an one funeral plan two.

25 or 26 surgeries in ICU and I got to go home earlier than ever imagined.

Aug 17 2009 till January 13 2010 I stayed at parkland hospital

I've now had about 40 surgeries and have more to go.