Sunday, October 11, 2020

what's my biggest insecurity?

Warrior Mom Shirts!!!

It has been 7 years since my last dental visit! The last time I went I got my 2 front teeth pulled. Here's the story I like to call....


It all started in 3rd grade. I was in P.E. and we were playing a game. It was my turn to run to the other side of the gym before I could get tagged. Well someobe was crawling on the floor. I was going full speed and tripped right over them while smiling because we'll I was having fun. I didn't catch myself... I felt the impact of the linoleum to my mouth and face. I got up and saw blood! I ran to the bathroom. My 2 front teeth were gone! I started crying. Not from the pain but from the fact I had a price if my tooth in my hand, my face was bloody and I was in shock! I went to the nurse office. She was already gone! 
The school secratery comes in. She sees the blood I show her my tooth. She calls my mom.  She tried saying I could go home on the bus as usual. Luckily my mom said no that she'd be there asap. 
Once she got there we rushed to my dentist. He stayed late to help me out. I got the remainder of my teeth covered and was told to come back to get them fixed. My teeth had broken in half and got pushed back up into my gums. 
After some time healing he created caps to cover the remainder of my 2 teeth and keep them alive for future reconstruction.
We had just moved to Venus tx so I told my mom " I don't want to stay in this school anymore I want to start over in Venus instead of waiting till next year" so that's what we did.
Fir the next 5 years occasionally I'd need to get the caps redone because they'd fall off. Finally in 8th grade a dentist decided to do a root canal and give me a more permanent smile.
I was over joyed. Though that didn't last long you see that very summer I had my accident and got burned. 
All the medication dried my mouth out plus the burns caused my mouth to stay open. I ended up getting abscess after abscess in my teeth. So my senior year of high school I had them pulled. I was supposed to receive a partial though insurance fell through. I'm now 25 almost 26. 
I still don't have my front teeth. 
From the anxiety the stress all the medications I've taken over the years plus the fact my genes are not he greatest when it comes to teeth. Oh and I forgot to mention the 5th wisdom tooth on my top left. My teeth health over all has declined. I've got 2 broken molars and a few cavities because it's hard to brush and floss properly with my hands. 
I have always loved going to the dentist. Sadly when you get medicare you don't always get dental insurance. Then having a baby absorbs nutrition and can intensify any tooth damage or decay. 
Finally after 7 years I got myself to the dentist. I was a little shocked at the expense. I needed a deep cleaning and started a payment plan so I could receive it. Boy did my mouth feel better already. Sadly I've got to do all my work in portions since I can't afford to do it all. (Total if $6,121) so I'm paying off the $500 for the deep cleaning. Then once that's paid I'll need to do the pulling if my 2 bad teeth and the fillings and crown needed on a couple others. I doubt I'll get my wisdom teeth pulled right away as it costs per tooth and luckily they don't bother me much. 

Lift me up as I start the process and oray I can get it don'e in a timely manner so I can have my self esteem boosted. I love to smile and laugh and it's time I do so freely without the fear of judgement

Sadly I can not change my PayPal name as I created years ago while still super insecure. Luckily I could change my cashapp name. 
I am not asking for donations or assistance though if your heart moves you to do so it will be appreciate and I will do a big Appreciation post.

***Edit to add I submitted a request to edit my cashapp name it is awaiting approval as I've changed it many times. Fingers crossed it get approved as I'm no longer a victim I AM A SURVIVOR I AM A WARRIOR!!***

Join Chime with my link and we both can get $50 once you set up direct deposit!

Want a Warrior Mom Shirt??  
It's simple unique and ready for order!

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